die away
- (声音)变弱,逐渐消失

Eg. after the initial cheers , the noise of the crowd began to die away as the group started playing .
The firing finally began to die away in the late afternoon
Why is it the same word you always say ? Why couldn 't my heart die away ?
In the history of modern Chinese literature , Old Poetry did not die away from the world of formal literature .
Tonight showers will die away to leave a dry evening with some clear periods .
Eg. the fire in the forest is dying down , and will soon die away .
It is stated that the oil and gas resources of this world will not die away at all in the 21st century .
Although the tide of accusing and appealing was set back , the humanism in the literature doesn 't die away .
Matter begins to convert into energy , space field vanishes first , And time field will die away in the black holes formed after the collapse .
As the standardization of modern architecture Ignored diversity of different region and specificity of various regional culture , our cities become stereotyped and region characteristic die away .
No one , for instance , believes that ecological controversies will die away to a point where we will no longer have to take care of the environment .
While the medical orderlies hurry by , and the echoes of the blast die away , he sets to work with efficient hands .
Almost as quickly as they appeared , these small plants die away . But they have developed special ways of ensuring the life of another generation when rains come again .
They fall all night , while the voice of the Teal River becomes more and more hushed and the noises of the forest die away .
No wonder western finance leaders keep muttering that the too big to fail problem remains ; one year on , the ghost of AIG refuses to die away .
Though New York police cleared out zucotti Park and others cities quickly moved to follow suit , it is unlikely the movement will simply die away in the near term .
Weeks passed , her patience started to die away , she once in a while treated herself with an ice cream , the fat was stubborn and refused to melt fast , but over time it did .
At this word from his wife , Jondrette closed the door again , and this time , Marius heard his step die away in the corridor of the hovel , and descend the staircase rapidly .
Such popular phenomenon can ' - not die away and the national economy can ' - not have make any further development unless the law system concerning market economy has been perfected , and the functions of government have been successfully transformed in market economy .
A piece of music usually goes through three steps & creation of the composers , performance of the artists and evaluation of the audience before its final fate is determined : either to die away or to live on and spread .
On this basis an enlightening conclusion is made : China still has a comparative big gap with other developed countries in technological progress , as the time passes and the reward level of labor improves , the advantage of low labor cost will die away .
He looked up at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice , " Will I start to die right away ? " Being young , the boy had misunderstood the doctor ; he thought he was going to have to give his sister all of his blood to save her .
When plants die and rot away , they leave these phytoliths behind .
In this would where all other things die and pass away , gold , and sometimes also silver , remain .
Many animals die because we take away their shelter and food .
Old software engineer never die , just fade away slowly !
I 've never been in love before . I 'll die if you go away .
Does one person who has got hypertension ought to die so quick right away ?
The metal particles removed from the die block are washed away with the dielectric fluid which is circulated .
S / he will be disoriented and could die or be driven away by other cats in the area .